Monday, January 13, 2014


Beloved, Have you ever asked yourself why you are who, and what you are…today? Ever wondered why God had allowed you to be a trained doctor, teacher, writer, singer, engineer, nurse, marketer, pharmacist, journalist, etc? How about your make up? Why do you find yourself doing the things you do? Is it possible that such things that you do do have a bearing towards what you are to ultimately become…in His hands? The things you have a proclivity towards might just be the investments (besides the daily consumption of His word, its watering by prayer and its strengthening by the exercising of faith) you’ll need to groom you for what and where you’ll eventually be a USEFUL VESSEL in His able hands. You know, it hurts when a BELIEVER said he is jobless and unemployed, short of saying that he is unemployable, I guess. I fell for that lie once. And as long as I lived that lie (feeling frustrated and discouraged) precious souls were trooping into HELL…in droves…and I’m supposed to be on His rescue team. The terrible sin of negligence! Yes, the millions of souls inadvertently finding their way to hell today could just as well be the result of our terrible sin of negligence, all in the name of ‘living according to the pursuit of today’s system’. I ask: Has God indeed failed us? Are we not searching for our ‘genuine’ daily needs (food, shelter, clothings, security etc) exactly like the ‘publicans’ while His ‘temple’ and His ‘harvest fields’ lie untended? “But,” you chipped in, “How would one survived since one need all these things?” Frankly, it’s about who you trust? When a child believes its parents cannot provide for its needs, it naturally seeks to fend for itself, isn’t it? I’ve seen that in the animal world, too. And, yes, ever seen the righteous forsaken? God recently impressed upon my heart that faith is when my pocket is empty and His business in my hand is flourishing. Beat that?! I’m still dazed myself. There’s this story of a pig and beans. You don’t want to be the pig, believe me. Neither will you want to be taken away by the ‘beans’ of life, seriously. It happened that some persons taking their pigs to an abattoir for slaughter were having a hard time pulling these animals along. In spite of the ropes tied round their neck the pigs were simply recalcitrant, giving their owners pretty tough times. Suddenly trotting alongside its owner was this pig which seemed so happy; and there was no rope round its neck. When asked what the magic was, the owner simply said: beans. Dropping one at a time, the pig ate, trotting along happily, not knowing it was heading to its slaughter. What kind of ‘beans’ is the devil feeding you with that is worth abandoning His calling for? What ‘beans’ is the devil using to distract you? Don’t fall for that, buddy! You are valued higher that a pig. Pigs love murky ponds. A child of God CANNOT be comfortable with any sinful distraction, otherwise, he is up for raised eyebrows in the body of Christ. You gamed? The cities we dwell in today were the sweats of other missionaries who heed the call years ago. Just imagine if they had refused His promptings…and there are other virgin lands and territories. Who’s fooling who here? You be the judge. It’s your decision. And hey, never trivialize the warnings of God to you, especially the ones spoken to you directly. “Half a word…” Looking forward to hearing from you. In the meantime grow deep, grow well, grow strong, keep breathing in His grace and remain irremovable and irrevocable in Christ.

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