Wednesday, August 5, 2009


We, the bleaters scream pain
The substance of our verity
Outshines our lucidness
What little pride we flaunt

A vicious cycle of our chicanery
Of untethered flowers
Now festering smell
And we want out

We ran, helter skelter
Screaming solution
Applying pollution
Dying before we gave birth

As our decomposed rump
Elevates us to
A seething crowd of fools
The most exalted empty barrels

Seeking, desiring
Verdant lands of only pleasures
The eventual wisdom of our pervading idleness
If only we’d ruminate unto decency

As bald as a coot
Seatless in a charnel-house
We need the chiaroscuro
Of a savant’s resuscitating skill

Listen to his mellifluous voice
Not discrete to his service
A balm for our pains?
A soothing for our healing?

We have not decide
Our patience is not
Endearing; just imposed
By flimsies undeterred.
-Emmanuel E. Ajanah